Industrial Injuries Compensation Claims in Birmingham

The term “industrial injuries” is a broad term to cover injuries suffered in dangerous workplaces such as factories, constructions sites and power plants. Employees can suffer injuries in any working environment, however those working in the industrial sites of Birmingham are of course more exposed. This is because they work with dangerous substances, heavy machinery, and work at height, in addition to being exposed to the usual dangers such as slips, trips and falls.

As employers have a duty of care towards the health and safety of their employees. If an employee suffers in industrial injury following an accident that was not his or her fault, then the employee can make a compensation claim against the employer. Or to be more accurate, the employer’s insurance company, insurance they are legally required to have in place.

As part of their duty of care, employers are not only responsible for workplace accidents, they are also responsible for preventing the industrial injuries they cause. This includes providing the necessary training such as manual handling or for the operation of heavy machinery and ensuring that equipment is properly maintained and serviced. They need to make sure that employees have been provided with the appropriate PPE, such as safety goggles and gloves.

Industrial Accident Compensation

If you are an employee that has suffered an injury, you will require the assistance of an industrial injury solicitor** covering Birmingham who will help you bring a claim against your employer on a no win no fee* basis. This means that you can make a claim against your employer, without having to worry about expensive legal fees.

The amount of compensation you can claim will depend on the seriousness of your industrial injuries and the impact it has had on your life. In addition to your personal injury, you can also claim for any other losses you have suffered as a direct result of your industrial injuries, such as loss of income and medical bills. You should however bear in mind that if you are partially to blame for your injuries. For example, by not wearing the safety equipment that was provided, then that amount of compensation you can claim may be reduced to take into account your own negligence.

Claim Compensation for Industrial Injuries with our Solicitors** for Birmingham

If you would like to make a claim for industrial injuries, then you should ensure that you bring a claim within three years of the date of the accident, otherwise you may be barred from doing so. Call us on 0800 083 8358^. If you prefer, you can also contact us online for more information.

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