Pages On: Accidents and Sickness Abroad
Holidays are a great way for us to rest, recuperate, and get a break from everyday lives. However, it’s not uncommon for holidaymakers to be let down by their travel provider, and have their holiday ruined. If a company you have booked with doesn’t properly assess the safety of the accommodation, people can be prone to bugs and other illnesses, especially where food hygiene is concerned. There is also great risk of accidents abroad, where warnings may not be translated, of the health and safety laws not as comprehensive as our own. If you suffered in any way whilst being on holiday abroad, you may be entitled to claim compensation. But there is only a two-year window, as opposed to the three-year window in other personal injury claims.

Football fan recovers from serious skull operation
Posted: 23 September 2014
Posted in: Accidents and Sickness Abroad, Criminal Injury and Assault, Head and Brain Injuries, Sporting Injuries
A 19-year-old football fan is waiting to see if he has a valid compensation claim after he suffered serious head injuries during a violent attack at a Tigers’ Europa League game in Belgium. Sam Holgate underwent a five-hour operation to have metal plates inserted into his skull after he had a brick thrown at his head last month. He raised his case with the Criminal Injuries Compensation Association (CICA) to see if anything could be done. The accident happened on the 21st of August after the Tigers’ were defeated at Sporting…
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Motorbike accidents rank as most expensive travel injury
Posted: 4 August 2014
Posted in: Accidents and Sickness Abroad, Motorcycle Accidents, Public Place Accidents
New figures have revealed that motorbike accidents lead to the most expensive injury claims when insurance has not been purchased. With cycling accidents (£6,262) and falling on stairs (£2,422) following closely behind in cost, people may start to rethink their methods of transport when on holiday. TravelSupermarket released the figures as part of a study, which featured the ‘holiday injury index’. This calculated and compared the costs of numerous different accidents in six popular holiday destinations: Spain, Turkey, Egypt, Greece/Cyprus, Thailand and US/Canada. With motorbike accidents ranking first, falling in…
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Four-year fight for compensation sees success
Posted: 9 March 2014
Posted in: Accidents and Sickness Abroad, Head and Brain Injuries, Pedestrian Injuries, Road Traffic Accidents, Wrongful & Accidental Death
An Essex family has finally been awarded with compensation following an accident that happened in 2010. Martin Vann and his wife had been on holiday in Vilamoura in the Algarve when a speeding driver hit them while crossing the road to return to their car. Mr Vann, from Westcliffe-on-Sea near Southend, died after the accident and his wife was left with serious injuries. Their children have been fighting for compensation ever since. The couple had been on holiday with their son Alex Vann and their daughter Julia Plappert, and their partners,…
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Guitarist wins £6,500 compensation
Posted: 27 February 2014
Posted in: Accidents and Sickness Abroad, Hand Injuries, Workplace Injuries
A 23-year-old guitarist has won £6,500 in compensation after being electrocuted while sound checking for a band aboard a P&O ferry. Dominic Zyntek from Coventry suffered a two-minute long electric shock after plugging in his guitar aboard the Pride of Hull ship in November 2012. Mr Zyntek was a musician who covered numerous bands, but now works in Sainsbury’s while trying to work on his own music. Mr Zyntek sustained extreme burns on his hand as a result of the electric shock. Emergency services were contacted immediately after the accident and…
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Safety measures improved where British woman died in US hospital
Posted: 27 January 2014
Posted in: Accidents and Sickness Abroad, Medical Negligence, Public Place Accidents, Wrongful & Accidental Death
After a British woman was discovered dead at the bottom of a stairwell in San Francisco General Hospital last October, an investigation has recognised a dramatic improvement in safety measures. Lynne Spalding, from Haswell in County Durham, had been missing for seventeen days before she was found dead at the bottom of a flight of stairs only yards away from her bed. The hospital was searched and the Police opened a missing person investigation. It was later discovered that Sheriff Department deputies had failed to search in stairways. Health inspectors,…
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Accidents Abroad – Personal Injury Compensation for Birmingham Residents
Posted in: Accidents and Sickness Abroad, Public Place Accidents
When you are abroad, be it on business or on holiday, the last thing you want to happen is to suffer an injury. Unfortunately, these things do happen and if they do, you are entitled to make a personal injury claim provided the accident that resulted in the injury was not your fault. An accident can take place at any stage from being in the air or at sea to your hotel or on an excursion. Some of the more common accidents suffered abroad are as follows: Slips, trips, and…
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