Pages On: Car Accidents
Car accidents are all too common. They are listed among the top causes of fatalities worldwide. Driving a car isn’t in itself very dangerous, however, when other drivers fail in their duty of care to you, they are considered liable, and you become entitled to compensation. As regulations in the UK have changed in this respect, we can only really help people who have been seriously injured in a car accident.

Young girl with ‘catastrophic injuries’ dies in hospital
Posted: 20 October 2015
Posted in: Car Accidents, Road Traffic Accidents, Wrongful & Accidental Death
A young girl that was severely injured in a car accident in 2006 has recently died in hospital; just weeks before she was due to turn ten. Cerys Edwards was only one-year-old when the car she and her family were travelling in collided with a speeding Range Rover Sport. The accident happened when they were driving home from delivering Christmas presents in November 2006. The son of a local millionaire was driving the Range Rover at the time of the crash, 19-year-old Antonio Boparan. It was heard that he was…
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Car Accident Claims — Personal Injury Experts in Birmingham
Posted in: Car Accidents, Road Traffic Accidents
Car accidents are common, and often have a significant impact on those that have suffered injury as a result. Road users are obliged to take special care not to do anything, or fail to do anything, that could cause others to suffer harm. If you have suffered injury because of a car accident, you may be entitled to compensation. Injuries from car accidents are incredibly varied. They include not only muscle strain and bruising, but can in serious instances include spinal injury, brain damage and even the loss of a…
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Thirty years of seatbelt safety
Posted: 10 February 2013
Posted in: Car Accidents, Road Traffic Accidents
Improving road safety poses an ongoing challenge for the Government, and it is constantly seeking new ways to reduce the number of deaths and injuries on Britain’s roads. A variety of techniques have been used, including trying to influence people’s behaviour on the roads through measures such as drink-driving and speeding restrictions, and by ensuring that vehicles on the roads are in a roadworthy condition. The use of modern technology in vehicles themselves has also helped to keep people safe on the roads. One road safety measure introduced by the…
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