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Asbestos victim wins right to compensation

Posted in: Asbestos Exposure Employer Negligence Industrial Deafness and Disease 

Retired electrician Albert Carder has been awarded the right to claim compensation after being exposed to asbestos while working at Exeter University over 20 years ago. Now 85-years-old, it was ruled in the High Court yesterday that Mr Carder could claim compensation after being exposed to the potentially fatal substance between 1980 and 1994. Mr Carder’s barrister, Harry Steinberg, described the case as “quite shocking”.

It was heard in London’s High Court that Mr Carder was recently diagnosed with asbestosis. He suffers with chronic respiratory problems, and depends on oxygen to remain comfortable. He is now completely housebound, and has been told by doctors that his condition will most likely deteriorate.

Small fraction of ‘lifetime exposure’

It was heard in court that Mr Carder probably suffered the most exposure to the dangerous fibre in the 1950s while he worked as an apprentice electrician. Where the university admitted to the breach of health and safety as his employer, they argued that they only represented a very small fraction of his ‘lifetime exposure’.

Mr Carder started showing symptoms of lung disease in 1998, and by 2013, he greatly struggled to walk more than 100 yards without feeling breathless.

The Judge ruled that if the university had been wholly responsible, he could have claimed around £70,000 in damages, however, because this is not the case, he is only entitled to £1,552. Mr Carder is allowed to return to court if his condition worsens.

If you have suffered an asbestos-related illness, and are looking to claim compensation, please contact us


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