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At work drivers taking deadly risks on roads

Posted in: Bicycle Accidents Pedestrian Injuries Road Traffic Accidents 

Significant numbers of people who drive for work are risking devastating crashes by texting, speeding and grooming at the wheel, according to research by Brake and Direct Line.

The figures show that:

  • Nearly a third (31%) text while driving.
  • One in six (17%) admit to grooming, such as putting on make-up or shaving, while at the wheel.
  • More than three-quarters (76%) endanger pedestrians and cyclists by speeding at more than 35mph in built up areas.

The survey also revealed that people driving for business purposes are more likely than the general driving population to take all of these risks, prompting calls for employers to take action to ensure employees are safe and not putting others in danger.

Nearly a third (30%) of journeys on our roads are made by drivers who are at work at the time. These drivers are 26% more likely to be in a crash than people driving on their own time. In Great Britain, ten people are killed each week and 100 injured by people driving for work.


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