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Birmingham council pays out £190,000 to school children

Posted in: Finger Injuries Public Place Accidents School Accidents 

A recent report has found that Birmingham City Council has paid out around £190,000 in injury compensation to school children.  There has been increased concern regarding the safety of school classrooms and equipment, with health and safety experts Employment Law Advisory Service (ELAS) finding that many of the incidents have occurred as a result of this.

Compensation claims included:

  • £12,000 payout to a boy hit by a golf club
  • £10,100 payout to a child that got fingers trapped in a door
  • £2,010 payout to a child injured by acid during a science lesson
  • £275 payout to a victim of bullying

Other children also received compensation for slips, trips and falls, and one child suffered an injury after coming into contact with broken glass. The total payout by the council over the last five years has added up to £189,260.

Wayne Dunning, lead health and safety consultant for the ELAS, said: “Health and safety is not being managed properly in the education sector and this is costing taxpayers millions, not only in direct compensation, but also additional hidden costs from administration.

A spokesperson from Birmingham Council argued that the council does provide safe schooling, but agrees that there is always room for improvement.  They continued: “We will continue to maintain high standards of safety.

If you are looking to claim compensation, please contact us.


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