Bulldog breeder jailed following attack
Posted: August 22, 2015
Posted in: Animal Attacks Arm Injury Head and Brain Injuries 
48-year-old Stephen Potts has been jailed after some of his dogs attacked and severely injured a 63-year-old man. The American Bulldog breeder, who previously lost an arm after being mauled by two of his own dogs, had let a group of his animals off the lead when they decided to attack Lindsay Edwards last October. Mr Edwards was left with wounds so deep that his skull was exposed.
Mr Potts, from Low Pittington in County Durham, initially denied seven charges of owning dangerously out of control dogs that caused injury. However, as the trial continued into its second day, he admitted to six lesser charges of being in charge of animals that were dangerously out of control in a public place.
“we will have to lie about this”
Mr Edwards suffered severe injuries in the attack, including serious head injuries, calf wounds as deep as the muscle, and his own dog Zuma was left with extreme flesh wounds. Mr Potts had previously been banned from owning dogs, and was recorded on the phone saying to a friend, “we will have to lie about this”.
Judge Christopher Prince said: “You knew that these dogs were capable of aggressive behaviour, leading to serious injuries. Not only did you know it, but who could have known that better than you?”
The dogs that attacked Mr Potts, and caused him to lose his arm, were destroyed, yet they were not the animals involved in the attack on Mr Edwards.
If you have suffered an animal-related injury, and are looking to claim compensation, please contact us.
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