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Care home fails to maintain standards

Posted in: Medical Negligence 

A care home in Hawick has been issued with at formal improvement notice by the Care Commission.  The notice was described as “urgent” by the issuing authority and covered eight crucial areas of care support.  St Andrews Care Home, which is managed by Park Homes UK, was judged to be lacking in providing adequate staffing levels, as well as maintaining unacceptable levels of cleanliness.

The Home also came under criticism for its provision of medication to vulnerable residents, as well as ensuring that residents are properly fed.  The Care Commission has requested that residents be assessed for malnutrition and urgent action taken to ensure that residents are properly fed.

“must see that the care provided to residents improves quickly”

Staff training was highlighted as an issue to be addressed, together with the introduction of proper procedures for reporting “notifiable incidences” within the Home.  It was requested that a deep clean be carried out as soon as possible.

A representative of Park Homes UK stated: “Our inspection raised serious concerns and we will report on that inspection in full in due course”.  They have also confirmed that the management in place during the inspection have been removed and replaced with new management.  They admitted that they regret that the Home had fallen below the standards they expect of their properties and trust that the new management will rectify the situation.

The Care Commission stated: “The improvement notice we have issued today clearly lays out the improvements we must see so that the care provided to residents improves quickly.” A further inspection has been scheduled to ensure that improvements have been made.

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