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Motorbike accidents rank as most expensive travel injury

Posted in: Accidents and Sickness Abroad Motorcycle Accidents Public Place Accidents 

New figures have revealed that motorbike accidents lead to the most expensive injury claims when insurance has not been purchased. With cycling accidents (£6,262) and falling on stairs (£2,422) following closely behind in cost, people may start to rethink their methods of transport when on holiday.

TravelSupermarket released the figures as part of a study, which featured the ‘holiday injury index’.  This calculated and compared the costs of numerous different accidents in six popular holiday destinations: Spain, Turkey, Egypt, Greece/Cyprus, Thailand and US/Canada.  With motorbike accidents ranking first, falling in a bathroom ranked fourth (£2,071) and fifth came slipping by the poolside (£1,547).

“don’t fall into the trap”

A travel expert at TravelSupermarket, Bob Atkinson, said that many Brits – almost a quarter – go abroad without any insurance whatsoever.  He stressed the importance of being covered regardless of the type of holiday: “Make sure that you don’t fall into the trap of thinking that you don’t need to get travel insurance if you are lying by a pool for a week, as you could be faced with high costs if you cut yourself on broken glass or slip in the bathroom after a day in the sun.

After ‘slipping by a pool’, ‘falling whilst walking’ costs £1,394; suffering an injury ‘by broken glass’ costs £1,226; and being ‘bitten by an animal’ ranks eighth, costing £247.

If you have suffered an injury abroad, and are looking to claim compensation, please contact us.


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