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Motorcycle, Motorbike Injuries in Birmingham Lawyers

Motorcyclist receives £9,000 for groin injuries

Posted in: Knee Injury Leg Injuries Motorcycle Accidents Road Traffic Accidents Shoulder Injuries Spine & Back Injuries 

A motorcyclist, who received multiple injuries when a car suddenly reversed into him whilst stationary on a road, has won £9,000 in compensation. The complainant was sitting on his motorbike when the car shot back, causing the petrol tank to ram him in the groin. He then fell over, and his bike landed on top of him, causing him soft tissue damage to his back, legs, shoulders, knees, and scrotum. As a result of the accident, the motorcyclist decided to press for compensation, and he appointed a law firm to represent him.

Defendants accepted responsibility

The law firm gathered details of the accident and collated information about the injuries and symptoms sustained by the victim. They also built up details about the financial losses their client had suffered as a result of the accident and presented their findings to the insurers of the driver of the car that had reversed into him. The defendants accepted responsibility for the accident and negotiations commenced.

It was presented that the complainant was suffering ongoing pain directly related to his injuries, particularly in his wrists. He received ultrasound scans of his scrotum, which highlighted that his symptoms had still not resolved. Urologists confirmed that nothing could be done to alleviate the pain in the complainant’s scrotal area, and that he would have to depend on over the counter anti-inflammatories and painkillers to deal with the pain.

After various negotiations, the motorcyclist accepted the injury compensation amount of £9,000.

If you have suffered an injury on the road, and are looking to claim compensation, please contact us. 


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