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Paramedics failed to recognise skull fractures

Posted in: Criminal Injury and Assault Head and Brain Injuries Medical Negligence 

A man who suffered severe head injuries after being attacked on a night out was told by paramedics that he was not seriously injured. Michael Kane, described by police as a “good Samaritan”, was knocked unconscious when trying to help two women in March. 29-year-old Ricky Scott admitted to punching Mr Kane at Nottingham Crown Court, but said he was simply protecting his girlfriend after considering Mr Kane to be a threat.

CCTV footage was released, showing Mr Kane being knocked out with one punch earlier this year. The images show him approaching the two women to offer them assistance, before a man runs up to him and knocks him out. When an appeal was made to find the man responsible, Mr Scott handed himself in to the police, saying that he was only trying to protect his girlfriend after she had been racially abused earlier that night.

“short of the standard expected”

When paramedics arrived at the scene, they told Mr Scott that his injuries were not serious. When he returned to his hotel, his condition continued to worsen and his friend took him to hospital, where x-rays revealed a number of fractures to his skull and jaw.

The East Midlands Ambulance Service admitted that the treatment Mr Scott received was definitely “short of the standard expected” and said that they were “very sorry”.

Mr Scott has been bailed for wounding, but will be sentenced in due course.

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