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Primary school under special measures

Posted in: Public Place Accidents School Accidents 

Following an inspection in November of 2015, Oxford’s Rose Hill Primary School has been placed in special measures by Ofsted.  The inspection found that “critical” health and safety advice was not being adhered to and that there was a concerning lack of training to recognise and respond to “extremism and radicalisation”.  It stated that during the inspection a visitor had managed to enter the school without being identified, and deemed this unacceptable.

Ofsted reported that there was an “insufficient awareness of the striking decline in school performance and falling standards”.  It scored the school inadequate in five out of the five areas assessed and highlighted that standards in the school had declined significantly since 2014.  The report, which was published in June of last year, stated that the school “requires improvement”.

“not ensured they meet their statutory duty”

Health and safety concerns included the lack of testing of electrical appliances which could pose fire, shock and injury hazards, chemicals being stored in cupboards with no locks, flammable materials being stored in a boiler room and teachers not being submitted for legally required checks. The investigation found that: “Governors have not ensured they meet their statutory duty to keep pupils safe”.

The overall findings by the inspectors highlighted that the school was not providing an inspiring environment for pupils, resulting in high levels of truancy and lack of respect for teaching staff.  It also reported that pupils themselves had lobbied the Prime Minister for money to repair “unsafe” classrooms.  It was found that mouldy ceilings and broken lights were a concern for pupils, prompting them to take action themselves.

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