Eye Injury Compensation Claims in Birmingham

We all know how important our eyes are to the quality of our life. If you therefore suffer an eye injury to one or both of your eyes as a result of a third party’s negligence, then you could be entitled to make a compensation claim. To stand the best chance of success, you’ll need the assistance of our personal injury claims solicitors** from Birmingham.

The eyes can be injured in any number of ways from road traffic accidents to injuries at work and slips, trips and falls. Where a successful claim is made, the compensation will be paid out by the negligent party, or more usually, their insurance company.

Such compensation claims are permitted because English law places a duty of care on certain groups of people towards the health and safety of others, for example, employers to their employees or road users towards each other. As most eye injury claims will be a result of a breach of this duty of care, then it is permissible to make a claim. Some examples of this include, failure of an employer to provide health and safety equipment or a speeding driver.

Get Compensation for Eye Injuries

You can make a claim for compensation regardless of the severity of the eye injury, although claims involving partial or total blindness of the eye are obviously more likely to result in more compensation being paid out. It is not possible however to bring a claim for a near miss.

You can make a claim for compensation not only for the pain and suffering, but also for any consequential loss. Examples of consequential loss include: damage to property, medical bills, travel expenses, care costs and loss of income. A claim can be made for any loss provided that it has flowed as a direct result of the accident.

If you would like to make a claim for compensation following an eye injury, then you should speak to our Birmingham personal injury solicitors** as soon as possible. You should do so within three years of the date of the accident. Any claim brought outside this time will be time-barred, save for exceptional circumstances, for example, children can make a claim until their 21st birthday.

Contact our Specialist Eye Injury Team for Birmingham

Call us on 0800 083 8358^. If you prefer, you can also contact us online for more information.

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