Brain Injuries Compensation in Birmingham

Brain injuries are clearly some of the most serious injuries that a person can sustain. The impact on a person’s life can be dramatic, and the rest of their life will be fundamentally affected. Mobility, mood, and physical capabilities can all be impacted upon. Clearly, there is a range of brain injuries, with some such injuries being less severe – such as head injuries that don’t impact the brain – and having less of an impact on the sufferer’s life.

Courts have awarded damages which allow us to provide a general guide as to the range of compensation a brain injury in itself is likely to achieve. Each claim depends on the circumstances of the person involved and there are likely to be other aspects to the personal injury claim which do not feature in these figures, e.g. loss of earning potential.

Brain Injuries – Compensation Amounts

Very severe brain damage

£185,000 – £265,000

Such injuries would leave the person profoundly handicapped with need of permanent full time care.

Moderately severe brain damage

£144,000 – £185,000

The injured person here would rely greatly on care from others and would have some insight into their injury/condition, but would be seriously disabled. The courts consider a range of factors in determining the appropriate reward, including the life expectancy of the injured party.

Moderate brain injuries

There are three sub-categories here:

£98,500 – £144,000

The injured party here would suffer moderate/severe reduction in intellect, a likely change in their personality or general mood, detrimental impact on the senses and there would be very little prospect of the person being able to work.

£59,500 – £98,500

There will be a modest reduction in intellect for the sufferer here, with an associated impact on ability to work. Epilepsy may also be an issue.

£28,250 – £59,500

No need for full-time care, modest reduction in intellect and impact on mood, with small risk of suffering epilepsy.

Minor brain injuries

The person here will have made a good recovery with limited consequences.

Minor head injury

£1,450 – £8,400

No or little brain injury, but persons suffers perhaps from diminished concentration and headaches.


If epilepsy is a factor, or is a direct result of the injury, then the court can make an additional or a stand-alone award.

Epilepsy grand mal

£66,000 – £98,500

Epilepsy petit mal

£36,000 – £86,000

The court will consider how often attacks occur and if medication can regulate the condition well or not.

Brain Injury Solicitors** of Birmingham

We can provide our services on a no win, no fee* basis, and our claim assessments are offered free of charge. Call us on 0800 083 8358^ If you prefer, you can also contact us online for more information.

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