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Chronic pain suffers thrown a lifeline

Posted in: Medical Negligence Personal Injury 

With chronic pain affecting almost eight million people across the UK, suffers in the North East and Cumbria are being offered a new form of treatment. 600 patients in the region are already being treated with this new method, but the pain management team at Newcastle’s Royal Victoria Infirmary say that they can help an additional 100 suffers. 

The treatment involves an implant being inserted into a fatty area of the body, such as the stomach or buttock, and wires are connected to the spine. The small stimulator sends electrical impulses to the brain, blocking pain messages. This relatively new treatment not only blocks pain, but also reduces the patient’s reliance on painkillers. The implant costs around £10,000 and has been found to be most effective for suffers with nerve damage in the arms, legs, and back.

“Feel like zombies”

One nurse consultant, Heather Williams, at the hospital encourages all chronic pain suffers to get in touch with their GP about this type of treatment. She said that not many suffers, or even health professionals, are aware of this treatment option – electrical cord stimulation.

Ms Williams said that suffers are desperate for treatment following years of persistent pain.  She continued: “Some describe their pain as a constant toothache with severe shooting pains – this can have a negative impact on all aspects of their lives – many feel like zombies on painkillers.

While electrical cord stimulation can have life-changing effects, it can have side effects, including infection at the site of the implant and falling caused by jolting. Other treatment options include relaxation therapy and acupuncture.

If you are experiencing chronic pain due to an injury, and are looking to claim compensation, please contact us


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